btw, the quote is random. Thought of it while eating oranges and it makes no sense. So stop trying to decipher anything ^_^
School hasn't been too interesting lately, and is PCC that fun? The guys (no wait, even the girls) in my class play Chinese Chess before school, during recess, after school...
I remember there was some pokemon game last year, then the PSP, then some handphone game, followed by the rubik's cube and now, PCC. I might have missed out something, following the trends of the guys is definitely not my top priority.
My class is just like a venue for games and everything, people from neighbouring classes enter and leave, while 4L is ALWAYS the class that's still quite filled even 1~2 hours after school. I wonder what this really tells us...
here's a picture I took after school, couldn't really take a photo of everyone, but the girls were either doing their work or chatting. Oh yes, copying maths homework.
that's our noticeboard. hmm, a portion of it is already gone..
Nothing much really happened, just that my maths test was majorly screwed (it was a difficult one, even the pros didn't know how to do some questions i think). not that I'll do well even if it was an easy one. I fell asleep at 9 for goodness sake, nothing could be done about my studying..I'll improve maths for sure. Promise.
Bio was as usual with miss poh, human reproduction and all, what else? mdm sim made me put my dirty files ON my table (disgusting) and Mr Hamdan's pissed with us i bet, nobody really listens even now.. As for me, I've resorted to irritating my neighbours.
Thanks to riane, who's been reminding me of the phrase ces't galore (or something that sounds like that) from Nodame Cantabile SP. It actually means "gloominess" in french, a slang i suppose. We repeated the phrase over and over again to kaiying during history class so that she'll give us THAT look. classic.
Btw, I got my history paper (finally). I wouldn't say it was really bad, but not too good either. Well, at least for my expectations of the paper. Kaiying scored the same marks as me, again.
Back to emaths lessons. I turned to my neighbours yp and ngik and started to irritate them with ces't galore and other french phrases (like jet'aime, bonjour, adios etc.) in 5 second intervals. I then proceeded to japanese (a really big bunch of them, mostly words related to stupid, lol), Tamil (not really, i just kept singing Engkal Singapore in that indian slang) and japanese in a french slang. and giggling, i couldn't stop myself either.
ROFL. okay sorry i think i really drove them nuts, i won't do that again. At least not to such an extent. My french vocab is limited to the few above, somebody teach me some ^_^ Tamil too!
Alright, what happened after school was saddening.
I. had. nobody. to. go. home. with.
Kaiying, Anna, Alicia and Riane were all on their learning journeys, Annia has her translation class, Siyun has some things to settle, Ashley probably had something on, my juniors were obviously gone, Ngikhiong was somewhere, Jeanette has her learning journey too and my other classmates were busy doing their amaths work.
This is the first time in a loonggg time that I've gone home myself and it feels terribly lonely.
Met Leongying, Baochuan, Grace, Germain, Chinyee and Mervin at the gates though ^_^, so I walked down the hill with them. I think Baochuan amuses me with her endless chain of nicknames for mervin and of course, her neverending love for him hahahaha. nuff said, they had lunch at pizza hut so I walked home.
Oh not really, this leads to my next part:
I found three suitable occupations for myself in the future in case I fail to become a designer (Anything but fashion) or...i'll decide my other dream occupations soon.
firstly...a dismantler. Dismantler? no such thing. I just think i'll rock at a job which requires dismantling objects. really. Gimme a professional name for it please!
here's a pen.
I dropped it on the floor in accident and decided to break it apart.
From left to right:
1) pen cap (nothing special)
2) nib of pen (there's still abit of ink there even without the barrel!)
3) screw cap?! (nothing special either)
4) transparent thing! now here's the good part! It came from the transparent thing you can find at the back of your pen to prevent leakage. I always thought it was just some sticky oily glue until i cut the barrel (is that what you call it) into pieces and poked this piece of plastic out. I swear its just so cool.
5) i don't know what to call it. nothing special either.
This concludes my pen adventure during emaths lessons.
Or maybe, I can be...a childcare taker! (THAT'S MY DREAM FOR RETIREMENT!)
okay, seriously go ROFL.
I was a lonely soul, So I decided to grab a drink (Ribena, to be specific), but could only find it at Century square's food court. After that refreshing drink, I trudged into Kiddy palace and that lighted up my spirits ^_^
The baby clothes are just SO adorable. Oh, and the milk bottles...
couldn't resist buying one for 5 bucks. Pigeon brand, eh?
I thought of how we gave alicia one during her birthday last year, and i suddenly wanted to know how it feels like to suck on the milk bottle. So I got one. not to mention I was in one of my most retarded moods after looking at those cute shoes and clothes...
A lady was there to strike a conversation with me when i was taking the lift in my block.
me: *peels off plastic wrapper of milk bottle*
lady: "is that for your baby?"
me: "?!?!?!?! o_O (i was in school U) uhhhhh, no....Its uh, for my friend.."
lady: "oh! your friend's baby?"
me: "uhh, no, my friend's present."
lady: "OH! baby present?"
me: "no...birthday present ^_^"
lady: "OH hahahaha! so cute!"
me: ":D :D hahaha yeah, its for fun yup!"
lady: "hahaha k, byebye! where do you live?"
me: "*censored, in case you want to break into my house* bye!"
NOOOO do i look like i have a baby waiting for me at home T.T
ohwell, that's what i have to pay for a moment of retardedness.
bytheway, I didn't know i got the medium sized nipple (its apparently called a nipple o_O) so the milk comes out so. slowwwwwwly. Took ages to drink like, 250 ml of fresh milk?! Sucked in alot of air into my stomach and got a tummy ache for awhile. Babies don't lead a good life either huh. I swear this is the most retarded thing i've EVER EVER done.
I used pigeon brand when I was young! The thing behind..that's my personal scrapbook where I stick stuff depicting interesting events. Anna, you're there with your face in the newspaper hahah xD
Next...I can (as i said above) be some Pro in organising.Once again, I don't have a name for it.
As you know, my room is VERY messy. I have a stack of worksheets (around 6cm) waiting to be sorted, so i did that today. since I reached home at around 2+ anyway. Started at around 4+ and packed them till 7.
My, that was fun. Makes me feel accomplished since my files are all filled to the brim (and it makes me feel hardworking), but emaths was time consuming since I've never really completed any worksheets nor have I written any dates on them..ohwell, here they are:
a closer look at them...
I swear I've bought the whole set of colours, the purple one's in school though. On second thoughts, i think i've left one colour out. Now, what was it?
Anyway, this marks the end of my little adventures for today.
Going home alone ain't that bad, I think.
Goodluck to Annia for your translation competition, and my juniors/those taking CL for the orals!
just two pathetic tags?
24th april
isabel: haha i used to sell my hamsters too when they bred.. how much do you charge ^^
{you want them? :D I don't think I'll charge them, but you can give me 100 bucks if you want :D If they ever breed I'll give them to you k!}
gtgw: yo

{yo! ;D}
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